Thursday, 5 May 2016

Section A revision task

Task 1: List 10 stories/debates/examples that you could use for the Identities and the Media question. 

E.g. fourth wave of feminism (#everydaysexism); gender identity issues (e.g. Caitlyn Jenner; Chelsea Manning, North Carolina LGBT law etc.) If you’re not confident enough to use all 10 in an exam situation then research, revise and create notes/revision cards until your knowledge is sufficient.

Task 2: List 10 stories/debates/examples that you could use for the New/Digital Media question.

Here, there’s no question you’ll have enough examples (your two NDM case studies are perfectly acceptable here) so it’s more about quality. Choose your 10 strongest examples to prepare for exam use – e.g. Citizen journalism and the #blacklivesmatter campaign against US police brutality; social media impact on TV news and newspapers (e.g. Paris attacks); streaming services and changes in the music industry (Tidal Twitter promotion) etc. Again, if you’re not confident enough to use all 10 in an exam situation then research, revise and create notes/revision cards until your knowledge is sufficient.

If you complete all 10 on your blog, create revision cards for each example with the key details, statistics and quotes.