Wednesday 11 November 2015

tutorial update 11/11/15

Notes & Quotes document 2,100; Media Mag research around 500 so on target and deadline met but remember to copy over the MM research into your N&Q document.

Title/question still needs work… try – How are woman represented in music videos like Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines and what impact might this have on wider society?

Textual analysis not in N&Q doc currently – Task #1 will address this. Writing notes on paper then typing up into paragraphs is a great way of doing it. Pick a short extract from Blurred Lines (and possibly the x-rated version of the video too) and rip it to pieces using all the media language you have learned. Do this for two extracts from Blurred Lines (that will cover Task #1). You may also want additional textual analysis from similar videos to further support the points you’ll be making. It sounds like you already have these in mind so now do the analysis and add it to your N&Q doc.

Academic books/journals – you’ve made a good start but we want a LOT more here. Keep looking and check the BFI catalogues too in case they have anything relevant. Look at the pdf journal articles in our archive – already plenty there linking to the music industry. See what you can find. Use Google Scholar and try a few different search terms – even if you can’t find Blurred Lines related stuff, there will be plenty on waves of feminism etc.

I’d look for more internet-based research – this needs to be more like 20+ by the end of the process. The Guardian is a great starting point – search for Blurred Lines and then more generally, feminism etc.

Task #1 – textual analysis discussed above so plenty to get on with there.

Copy this into a new blog post and write below your next three steps in your research.
  • Add to academic books and journal
  • More internet links through the Guardian 
  • Textual analysis 

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